There can be no reward without risk. Entrepreneurs up and down the country appreciate this fact acutely, and the most successful ones are able to maximise the former by managing the latter.


In this research, we set out to better understand entrepreneurs’ attitudes towards risk. What we discovered at times corroborated and at times confounded our initial expectations. Perhaps our most telling finding was that entrepreneurs not only believe they’re operating in a more risky environment today than they were a year ago, but that they expect that risk to intensify in the future.

Britain boasts one of the most capable entrepreneurial communities in the world. As a collective whole, it has navigated political upheaval and economic turbulence the likes of which have rarely been seen before. Despite these headwinds, innovative companies continue to be founded, and grown into lucrative assets.

One would be foolish to think all risk in business can be eliminated – but by listening to entrepreneurs, we can mitigate threats they have to contend with, and give them the best possible shot at taking their businesses to the next level.