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It’s business, but it was, is and always will be personal.

The history and the future of Mishcon de Reya

All stories have a beginning
Ours started in a small office above a bank in Brixton, with a man named Victor Mishcon.

Lord Mishcon
Lord Mishcon

Victor Mishcon was born in 1915, the son of a rabbi, in Brixton, South London

He was just 22 when he founded Victor Mishcon & Co in 1937. During his lifetime the world, and the firm, changed hugely. But he was always steadfast in his beliefs and attitudes, and continued to fight for what he believed in; most notably the active role that a lawyer should play in public life. 

For his own contribution to public and political life he was rewarded with a life peerage, and in 1978 took his place in the House of Lords. He remained active in politics until his death in 2006. 

During his career, Victor Mishcon acted for royalty and trade unionists, for diplomats and actors, for writers and politicians. Every client was the beneficiary of his passion for the law, his determination and his creativity, the values that continue to shape the firm today. 

And Mishcon became a name to be reckoned with, not only in the legal industry but in business and in wider society.

“We have always had people here who have a social conscience… it is embedded in the DNA of the firm and that was really established by Lord Mishcon.”  

Kevin Gold, Executive Chairperson

By 1961 the firm had outgrown its Brixton office and needed new, bigger premises. A central London location was chosen and soon Victor Mishcon & Co, with its 15 employees, arrived at 125 High Holborn.

Since then, Mishcon has always been a stone’s throw from Kingsway, a road of historical and architectural significance, that connects High Holborn in the north to The Strand in the south. The “King” in its name was King Edward VII who, inspired by the tree-lined boulevards of Paris, commissioned the road’s construction in 1905.

Between Covent Garden (London’s theatreland) and Bloomsbury (home of the British Museum), Holborn lies at the heart of the capital.

Finding ‘de Reya’
The early years in Holborn were not glamorous but, fuelled by our founder’s passion for the law and his determination, the firm grew continuously.

And then, in 1988, Victor Mishcon & Co encountered old city firm, Bartletts de Reya. There was a meeting of minds, a sharing of visions, and a merger.

The sole trader over the bank in Brixton was now an 80-person strong firm that went by the name of Mishcon de Reya – our name ever since.

By 1992, now up to 120 employees, it was time to move again and new premises were found on the other side of Kingsway. 

Two years later, future Managing Partner and now Executive Chairperson, Kevin Gold, joined as part of a team hire from Bayer Rosin. Under Kevin’s leadership, the firm has grown rapidly, venturing into new areas of law and continually expanding our offering.  

The Wolfenden Report
The firm’s dedication to equity, diversity and inclusion is rooted in our history, notably through the influential work of Lord Mishcon as a member of the Wolfenden Committee. 

This landmark committee, established in the 1950s, was a catalyst for social and legal reform, advocating for the decriminalisation of homosexual acts between consenting adults in private, a recommendation that eventually led to the Sexual Offences Act 1967. 

Upholding the spirit of the Wolfenden Report, we continue to address the unique legal needs of LGBTQIA+ individuals through specialised services in various legal areas.

15 years ago, we launched Pink Law, in conjunction with the Legal Advice Centre of the School of Law at Queen Mary, University of London. Our lawyers supervise law students, who in turn advise clients on LGBTQIA+-related legal issues. 

Our firm’s inclusive LGBTQIA+ Pride network re-affirms our ongoing dedication to the principles of diversity and equality championed by our founder over half a century ago.

The 1994 Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty
Our legacy in public law and political advisory is deeply intertwined with the diplomatic achievements of Lord Mishcon.

Between 1984 and 1990, during a period of heightened tension in the Middle East, Lord Mishcon served as a trusted emissary, facilitating crucial, initially informal, dialogues that ultimately contributed to the 1994 Jordan-Israel peace treaty.

His role as an intermediary in the early discussions that paved the way for this historic agreement exemplifies our commitment to facilitating dialogue and resolving matters of international significance. 

Lord Mishcon’s receipt of the Star of Jordan in 1995 was one of many national and international honours and awards that recognised his distinguished service in the pursuit of peace.

Today our political independence means that we can continue to deliver impartial, strategic advice across a range of public law and political disputes. Serving the public interest while upholding the highest standards of legal counsel, as Lord Mishcon believed was our duty.

Princess Diana
The firm had worked with high profile clients before, but none changed our reputation quite like Diana, Princess of Wales. 

The initial connection between the firm and Diana had been through Lord Palumbo, who introduced her to Lord Mishcon.

Managing Partner (at the time), and current Deputy Chairman, Anthony Julius, led the case alongside Lord Mishcon. Diana’s success was shaped by the advice that she received from the two of them. 

The scrutiny that came with Diana’s divorce was like nothing anyone had experienced before. It was a watershed moment for the firm in terms of profile. However, this wouldn’t be the last time we took on a case that attracted such a high and frenzied level of publicity.

Princess Diana
Deborah Lipstadt

Deborah Lipstadt
On April 11, 2000, judgment was delivered in the Irving v Lipstadt case. Historian and author Professor Deborah Lipstadt, represented by Mishcon lawyers Anthony Julius and James Libson, had won. 

Professor Lipstadt successfully defended David Irving’s claim that he had been libelled in her book, Denying the Holocaust. Irving, author, and a self-proclaimed authority and apologist for Nazi Germany, was described by the Lord Justices as “one of the most dangerous spokespersons for Holocaust denial.”

The events of this landmark trial became a screenplay by British writer, Sir David Hare. Denial, starring Rachel Weisz and Tom Wilkinson, went on general release in the UK on January 27, 2017 – Holocaust Memorial Day. 

To mark its release, Mishcon investigated how a trial that took place in 2000 could continue to be relevant. The resulting short film won a gold award at the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards in 2017.

A new era
In 2002 we moved into Summit House, and a new era for the firm began. Its high ceilings, art-deco design and 1920s architecture were worlds away from the earlier, cramped offices. 

Our generous new home had room for 600 people. Except that we had now embarked on a period of unprecedented growth.

So, by 2015 it was time to move again. Once more, another short Holborn journey: this time from Red Lion Square to our current home, Africa House at number 70 Kingsway.

When Africa House was first completed in 1921, it captured the prevailing mood of British success and confidence. It was an architectural jewel on one of London’s then newest roads.

It seemed appropriate that the building which once changed the face of London was now home to a firm always ready to challenge convention.

Africa house

Public life
True to our founding principles we continue to be involved in public life. Business owner Gina Miller turned to us twice as she challenged the legality of the British Government’s implementation of Brexit.

Miller 1
In 2017, we were involved in her Article 50 legal challenge that reached the Supreme Court. The court upheld the High Court’s decision, confirming that the Government could not begin the UK’s exit from the European Union without parliamentary approval to trigger Article 50. 

This case was an important moment for the firm and the result set a significant legal precedent during a critical period in UK constitutional history.

Miller 2
In 2019, the firm successfully argued that the Prime Minister’s decision to prorogue Parliament was unlawful. The result was a historic and unanimous Supreme Court ruling that agreed. And since 2020, we have continued this work through our Politics & Law group.

Going Green
In 2020, we launched Mishcon Purpose, the first purpose-oriented business established by a major law firm.

And in 2024 we launched the Impact Department, our seventh core legal service.

Impact brings together Mishcon Purpose and Charities and Social Ventures as well as a joint venture with Evertree, a biodiversity advisory business based in London and Madrid. This department means we can identify and help manage pressing social and environmental risks and challenges.

In 2023 this commitment to the future was underlined when we became a founding member of the Sustainable Markets Initiative Legal Task Force, which is chaired by our Managing Partner, James Libson. 

Launched by His Majesty King Charles III, the Sustainable Markets Initiative is a network of global CEOs working together to build prosperous and sustainable economies. 

The Legal Task Force aims to boost the contribution of legal professionals to sustainability and to accelerate the path to net zero.

We are also founding members of the Legal Charter 1.5, a ground-breaking initiative designed to support law firms responding meaningfully to the climate crisis.

orange dots

Mishcon & the world

In 2020, we opened our first international office in Singapore. In 2021, we boosted our presence in Asia by adding an office in Hong Kong, in association with local law firm, Karas So LLP. 

In 2023, closer to home, we merged with Oxford and Cambridge-based firm, Taylor Vinters. This meant we could now deliver our combined expertise to innovation economies in key innovation hubs around the world.

However, expanding into new markets is about more than expanding into new geographies. To be truly global in such a fast-changing world, we are investing heavily in the technology of tomorrow. 

We have already launched MDR Lab, the first-ever legal tech incubator, and MDRx, our technology consultancy. Watch this space.

Not just a law firm
As we grow, we continually reassess how the firm of the future will look. Our commitment to providing the highest quality legal services will always be at the core of our business. 

However, in a rapidly changing world, our clients’ needs are more and more complex, and they require more from us.

Each of the services offered by the Mishcon de Reya Group has a strong connection to the business of law and is complementary to our core areas of work. 

In 2024, the Group made its first strategic acquisitions in the alternative legal services market with Flex Legal, followed by a majority stake in Somos, a global group actions management business.

a collage of people's faces

Our people, our future
At the heart of Mishcon de Reya are our people. They are known for their strong personalities and distinctive characters. 

Each one of our lawyers and business professionals help make the firm what it is, embodying the qualities that have built the firm: the desire to think outside the box; to pursue new opportunities; to be ambitious, bold and innovative. 

Today’s world bears little resemblance to the one where our history began – in a small room over a bank in Brixton.

Still, you only know where you are going if you know where you have come from. In our case this remains an unshakeable commitment to Victor Mishcon’s core values and the part we have to play in public life.

“Circumstances change, people change, opportunities change, but if our values remain meaningful and constant, no matter what else changes, we will always remain relevant.”

Kevin Gold, Executive Chairperson