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The converging worlds of tax

The corporate, business and personal taxation needs of our clients overlap. For this reason, our tax practice is deliberately broad, with experts in all aspects of corporate M&A and restructuring; real estate; tax disputes and investigations; employment incentives and rewards; VAT; cross border issues, for companies, funds and individuals and personal tax and wealth structuring.

Our business and personal tax groups in our offices in London, Cambridge, Oxford and Singapore, and through our association with Karas So LLP in Hong Kong work together to provide comprehensive, seamless and co-ordinated tax advice to our clients, and what we do is both transactional and advisory.

Besides the full range of non-contentious tax issues, we are one of a small number of global tax practices that also advises on tax investigations and litigation. 

Increasingly tax is a political issue too, which has led to increased levels of scrutiny and transparency, and national and international regulatory and reporting changes. To navigate these complexities, we work alongside our clients' existing teams of accountants, bankers, asset managers, trustees and family offices, devising and implementing the most robust and appropriate national and international tax strategies, legal structures and operational frameworks.

A lot of our work has an international dimension. We have lawyers across our international offices qualified in multiple jurisdictions, who work with multinational corporate groups, cross-border investment structures, multi-jurisdictional incentive arrangements, and international families and their corporate structures. In each case our lawyers provide in-depth advice on tax, structuring, regulatory, investment and corporate issues: in short, strategic, commercial and sensitive tax advice that protects our clients' interests.

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