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What is probate? How it works and how to execute a loved one's will: Peter Steen for The Telegraph

Posted on 28 May 2024

In a piece for the Daily Telegraph, Senior Money Reporters Marc Shoffman and Charlotte Gifford delved into the probate process, a critical step in managing and distributing a deceased person's estate.

Peter Steen, Partner at Mishcon de Reya, provided further insights into the complexities of probate: “If all of the assets in the estate were jointly held with a spouse, in which case the assets pass automatically to the surviving spouse; or if a bank account balance is below a certain value, in which case the bank may be willing to release the balance. On the other hand, if the estate includes a property in the deceased’s sole name, there will be no option but to obtain a grant.”

The article outlines the seven key steps in the probate process, including registering the death and paying IHT.

Read in full.

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