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As the fastest growing economic region in the world, Asia has never been a more important market, offering significant opportunities for entrepreneurs, family businesses and global companies alike.

Culturally and operationally, our office in Hong Kong is an extension of our UK offices, bringing the Firm's tenacious advocacy and entrepreneurial spirit to Asia. Our focus is simple: to deliver the highest quality legal services and fiercely guard our clients' interests. Wherever our clients are in the world we appreciate the privilege of sitting alongside them as a trusted advisor.

Our Hong Kong office includes English and New York qualified lawyers, with a proven track record and strong reputation for international tax and wealth planning and immigration services, as well as commercial contentious and non-contentious expertise in in the shipping, shipbuilding, offshore, aviation and financial & professional services sectors.

We also have an association with Karas So LLP in Hong Kong and an office in Singapore. Across Singapore and Hong Kong, including our associated office of Karas So, we have more than 60 fee-earners in Asia.

Since 1937, when Victor (later Lord) Mishcon started our firm in London, we have always been driven by an entrepreneurial, tenacious and socially conscious spirit: one that embraces change to stay relevant and shape the future.

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