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Introducing Impact 

At the heart of our firm lies a commitment to use the law to positively impact society and the environment. 

Our Impact department's purpose is to empower our clients to engage with the world's increasingly urgent and complex challenges confidently and effectively. We look beyond compliance and risk mitigation by focusing on emerging best practices and new opportunities. 

Working with social and impact ventures, large corporates in transition, charities, and families, we have a unique perspective on the importance of organisational and personal purpose as the animating force for value creation and the bedrock of governance. 

Our team brings together specialist lawyers with ESG consultants and sustainability specialists: a blended approach our clients have found effective in combining insight, strategy and implementation. 

Who we help

Charities and non-profits

Premium, full-service legal, regulatory and governance advice for leading charities and non-profits in the UK and around the world.

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Philanthropists and family offices

Bespoke advice and solutions for experienced and emerging philanthropists and the family offices that support them. 

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Social and impact ventures

Entrepreneurial and pragmatic strategic, legal and governance advice for social and impact ventures and their founders.

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Claimant groups

Identifying, building and funding claims to provide access to justice, secure recompense, hold wrongdoers to account and deliver measurable positive impact .

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Regulatory, strategic and legal advice for businesses on incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance factors into business strategy and management and on charity initiatives and collaborations for example: charitable foundations, corporate giving, staff volunteering, charity partnerships). 

ESG Advisory

Corporate Charitable Giving

Governments and international institutions

Specialist advice for regulators, governments and other high-level stakeholders across a range of countries on sensitive or complex charity and civil society regulation, legislation and policies.

International not for profit foundations, NGO and NPOs

Collaborative technical and legal assistance on governance, compliance and wider regulatory obligations as well as capability building.

Chris Willis Pickup

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We all shoulder a responsibility to tackle the world’s most intransigent problems. I am particularly proud of the novel work we can do as lawyers for our clients and the impact it can have. Whether that is by helping them navigate the increasingly complex regulatory frameworks in which organisations operate or helping seek redress where it is most needed.

The law, advocacy and policy are powerful tools in a changing world, and we will continue to use them on behalf of our clients to help achieve impact where it is most needed.

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Chris Willis Pickup, Partner

Mishcon Purpose works with our clients to help them engage confidently with the increasingly complex, urgent and regulated challenges at the intersection of business, government and society. We are a passionate team with a broad portfolio working in business, biodiversity, climate change and human rights. 

We advise corporates, boards and leaders on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and evolving directors' duties, combining lawyers and sustainability professionals to develop sustainability strategies and governance frameworks, and then to implement them – integrating specialist lawyers on key issues including incentives, supply chains, reputation and greenwashing, equity and inclusion, and regulatory compliance. 

We litigate to address social and environmental harms, to obtain justice for communities and other claimants, and to drive strategic change to address systemic challenges to society and the environment. 

Our Charities and Social Ventures team helps innovative charities, social ventures and philanthropists deliver their strategic and operational plans locally and internationally. We work with a wide range of large and small organisations but are best known for working with leading charities and social ventures in the areas of technology, innovation, life sciences and research. 

With specialist Charity Commission experience, the team brings unique insights into the regulator’s processes and priorities to anticipate likely areas of regulatory challenge and be confident in innovating and exploring the boundaries of charity law.  

Key Contacts

Alexander Rhodes

Partner, Head of Mishcon Purpose

Chris Willis Pickup

Partner, Head of Charities and Social Ventures

Juan Costa Climent

Policy Director

Aarti Thakor


Emily Nicholson


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