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Fraud (Dispute Resolution)

A leading group of fraud lawyers who are part of the biggest team of international injunction specialists in the UK

Fraud costs the global economy close to £4 trillion a year, according to the latest reports. As the economic impact of COVID-19 becomes apparent, fraud related to the disruption of the pandemic is expected to rise. Experts also anticipate an increase in historic fraud coming to light in the wake of economic downturn, as occurred after the Global Financial Crisis in 2008. This compounds the increase in cyber activity and the global nature of today's transactions, already contributing factors to the exponential growth of fraud.  

If you are a victim of fraud, reacting swiftly and decisively is essential. Decisions made within the first 48 hours of discovery of a fraud will make the difference between success and failure. Freezing assets and seizing evidence is absolutely critical to a successful fraud investigation. A commercial approach to combating fraud is also vital. If money is to be spent, a return on investment must be made.

When faced with allegations of fraud or breach of your corporate duties, your livelihood and reputation are immediately at stake. There can be no compromise in your defence as there will be no compromise in the attack. The opposition often has months to plan their first move. Your immediate response is critical and sound advice must be sought. To do otherwise could severely damage your case and assist any parallel criminal fraud investigation.

Wherever possible we seek pre-emptive relief to locate and freeze assets and preserve evidence. We created the International Fraud Group, which gives us a critical edge when securing piggyback injunctions beyond our London and Singapore bases. Our anti-fraud and counterfeiting product - Mishcon Tulip (Turning Losses into Profits) - remains the only anti-counterfeiting product devised by a law firm to combat the multi-billion dollar industry of international fraud and counterfeiting.

As fraud solicitors we have unique relationships with investigators; both private and governmental and ensure that our investigators work side by side with us, the barrister and clients as a team from day one; preparing the evidence and applying for and executing injunctions.

  • Tracing stolen assets in the UK and overseas
  • Worldwide asset freezing orders
  • Search and seizure orders - worldwide
  • Third party disclosure orders - UK and worldwide
  • International enforcement of orders and judgments
  • Legality of investigative techniques
  • Insolvency and recoveries
  • Civil injunctions - including freezing orders, search orders and disclosure orders
  • Sanctions advice
  • Bribery and corruption investigations - UK and worldwide
  • Investigations by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, professional regulators and Government bodies
  • Money laundering compliance issues
  • Restraint and confiscation proceedings
  • Criminal complaints

How our fraud solicitors can help you


  • Executive deception: Combating the substantial threat that deepfake CEO fraud poses to today's businesses

    Businesses are facing a real and meaningful threat from fraud attacks using deepfake impersonation. To limit the financial fallout, Boards must understand the risks and how to safeguard the organisation should the worst happen.

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