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In-House Insights

We understand that the challenges faced by in-house legal teams are varied and changing rapidly. Our In-house hub provides resources to help provide guidance on a variety of legal and business issues specifically for in-house counsel.

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Terminations for behaviour outside work

Two EAT decisions have examined whether it can be fair to dismiss an employee for alleged conduct in their private life that could bring their employer into disrepute.

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Shareholder activism in the age of COVID-19

Now that AGM season has started in earnest, further legislation is under consideration to allow companies to hold meetings at a time when physical meetings are impossible.


COVID-19: Corporate FAQs

As the COVID-19 crisis unfolds, each day brings new challenges and announcements on the potential support available to business and individuals





Bespoke Learning

Whether you are looking to upskill your workforce, improve your compliance procedures or develop your leadership capabilities, we can design a programme to help you achieve your objectives.

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