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Welcome to our Retail Academy

At Mishcon we are passionate about retail because it brings together a host of ideas and professions: self-expression, sustainability, forward-thinking, commercialism, brand identity, to name but a few. These are all attributes which Mishcon de Reya hold at the heart of everything we do. Retail is both personal and global, it is impacted by and impacts all walks of life; it's business, but it's personal.

Here you can find articles, videos and podcasts on legal issues and upcoming legal reforms relevant to the retail sector, as well as invites to our in-person events.

We offer a range of services in the retail sector including brand management, intellectual property, commercial contracts, competition, sustainability and ESG, employment, immigration, digital transformation, technology and dispute resolution.

If you would like to be kept up to date with our latest retail academy news, please subscribe to our mailing list.

Retail services Subscribe


people on escalators in a mall

Retail horizon scanning


Stay informed about significant legal reforms that may impact your business during the coming year with our retail horizon scanning briefing.

Articles, videos and podcasts


Our Retail Group

Our insight into the issues faced by retailers comes from having worked with some of the world’s biggest brands and some of the most innovative start-ups.

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