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Welcome to the
law of tomorrow

The rules of business and society have changed.
How will you embrace the opportunities?


The issue of freedom of speech is not black and white. How will you navigate the nuances of this volatile cultural climate?


Forensic ESG scrutiny increasingly impacts how you are perceived in the marketplace. Are you living up to the claims you make?


In this 'post-truth' world, every business is in the trust business. What can you do to increase the value of your world?


Web 3.0 is bringing disruption and endless possibilities. Are you ready to embrace continuous innovation and win?


Collaborative AI is here to enhance people's capabilities, not replace them. Those who integrate will gain the advantage. Are you ready for a blended workforce?


There's been a seismic shift in the power employees hold. Are you delivering on values and opportunities that go beyond salary?

Diversity and Integrity

From the drive to increase diversity to managing climate transition, doing the right thing is good for business. How will you embrace the opportunities?

Disruption and Agility

Flexible working, a remote workforce, the rise of AI - businesses need to adapt to not only survive but thrive. How will you embrace the opportunities?

Adaptation and Transformation

Whether it's the move to working from home or adapting to the new regulatory environment, businesses that embrace the changes that lie ahead will be the ones that thrive. How will you embrace the opportunities?

Accountability and Openness

Political and societal upheaval combined with the apparently unbridled power of social media platforms require companies to be increasingly robust in order to navigate, or challenge, new demands. How will you embrace the opportunities?


By innovating and being prepared to move away from the expected business model established brands can discover unexpected success. How will you embrace the opportunities?

Mishcon Academy: Digital Sessions

A series of online events, videos and podcasts looking at the biggest issues faced by businesses and individuals today.

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