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Alexander Rhodes on legal industry sustainability efforts for Riding the Dragon: The Future of ESG Law

Posted on 14 November 2022

The Blended Capital Group's ESG Law Advisory Team has published its report exploring ESG developments across the global legal community, Riding the Dragon: The Future of ESG Law. 

Alexander Rhodes, Partner and head of Mishcon Purpose, was interviewed alongside Judge Professor Mervyn King SC on the role of law in aiding the drive towards sustainability. He noted that there are existential challenges for the profession as it finds its place in contributing to attempts to combat climate change.  

Alexander commented: “It’s clear we have challenges in terms of the profession and the understanding of our role. A question we must ask is whether we move from the age of instruction to the age of anticipation? We will be dealing with global accountability and standards. Even the most short-term focused shareholders and traditionalist companies need to take ESG factors, so relevant to value, into account. We need to find balance between regulatory frameworks and self-regulation for which business will settle." 

Access the report

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