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Case Study – Locating an alleged fraudster

Posted on 23 November 2020

Our client wanted to locate someone (“the subject”) who had allegedly defrauded their family, abused their child, and then fled abroad. ​

The subject suggested to our client that they wanted to move to Canada before they fled. Our client therefore believed the subject was likely to be in Canada, or to have initially been in that country. ​

With this context, we were first tasked with profiling and locating the subject in Canada to support possible criminal proceedings which would be raised by our client.

We discussed with our client in further depth why they were convinced that the subject fled to Canada. ​From this discussion, we suspected that the subject may have mentioned Canada as a decoy to misinform our client. ​

We therefore conducted a full review of the subject’s online presence, which included: investigation into publicly available documentation and company filings, social media content and the person’s immediate connections, such as family and friends.

Through our deep web search capability we discovered a Chinese visa application for the subject with their spouse. This contained personal information for the subject and reference to active Pakistani business interests.​ The subject and their partner’s social media also suggested they were most likely in Pakistan, but frequented Europe often for luxurious holidays. ​

Our report was shared with local law enforcement authorities, to support criminal proceedings and Interpols to disrupt the subject from travelling internationally.

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