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Dan Sinclair on product 'defensibility' and the future of MDR Lab for Law.com

Posted on 14 June 2023

Following MDR Lab's latest cohort announcement, head of MDR Lab Dan Sinclair was interviewed by Law.com about the history of the programme, what the Lab are looking for, and the what the last five years have taught them.

The interview also explored wider trends in the legal tech market, including how the Lab team are preparing for the 'AI revolution'. Dan said: "The AI revolution is not something that we’ve dismissed and we spend a lot of time collectively around the firm thinking about that…I do think given the pace of change, the number of vendors, the complexity from a security perspective, we think it would actually be a super efficient way to qualify some of these existing conversations. So we are discussing the idea of a generative AI-focused lab in the winter."

The full interview is available on law.com (subscription only).

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