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Navigating Labour, Employment and Executive Compensation Challenges in Global M&A Part 3 – Post-deal integration, harmonisation and incentives


We are delighted to invite you to join Liz Hunter (Partner (non-lawyer), Mishcon de Reya) and Dominic Wrench (Managing Associate, MDR ONE) together with Buchanan attorneys and Shareholders Christian Antkowiak and Candace Quinn for another insightful digital session. 

The session is the third in a series and will explore the landscape after a deal has concluded, focusing on post closing integration, harmonisation and incentives. 

This digital session will focus on issues related to labour, employment and executive compensation and benefits matters (such as share plans, share options, phantom equity plans and cash bonuses), both internationally (in the UK and other key jurisdictions) and in the United States.

​Mishcon de Reya and Buchanan are both proud members of Legalink, a global network of leading independent law firms.

More in this series



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