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Exposé of American Militias

Posted on 27 January 2025

Recent reporting by ProPublica has shed light on the activities and inner workings of the American Patriots Three Percent (AP3) group, an anti-government right wing militia group based in the United States.

The investigation, led by a wilderness survival trainer named John Williams, provides a firsthand account of the ideology, operations, and risks posed by this group and others like it.

Who are AP3?

AP3 are part of a broader militia movement in the United States, rooted in an interpretation of the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment which refers to “a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State” and protecting, “the right of the people to keep and bear arms”.

The group’s name derives from an idea that only 3% of American colonists actively fought in the Revolutionary War, a claim used to portray themselves as a small but determined minority.

According to ProPublica's report:

  • AP3 operates as a decentralised network, with regional chapters linked by shared ideology and loosely coordinated activities.
  • Members are recruited through social media platforms, community events, and online forums, often appealing to individuals who feel alienated or distrustful of government institutions.
  • The group conducts military-style drills, firearms training, and survival exercises, preparing for what they view as an inevitable clash with government forces.
  • Private communications within AP3 reveal a willingness to incite violence and undermine democratic processes.

Reporting highlights several contradictions within the movement, including its selective interpretation of laws and principles - such as claiming to protect American democracy, whilst participating in activities that may undermine it, for example inciting threats against election officials and law enforcement.

Implications of Williams’ report

As part of his investigation Williams embedded himself within the group, eventually becoming the second-in-command of their Midwest region chapter and uncovered several trends within AP3 and similar militias:

  1. Escalating Radicalisation: Internal communications revealed a growing belief in conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and unfounded claims of election fraud, fuelling paranoia within the group.
  2. Militia Networks: AP3 is not isolated; it collaborates with other militias and fringe groups, creating a network that spans across US states.
  3. Targeting Vulnerable Communities: The group exploits economic hardship and distrust in government to recruit members, often targeting veterans and disillusioned individuals.
  4. Anti-Government Propaganda: AP3 disseminates misinformation with the intent of eroding public trust in democratic institutions.

Williams’ reporting also highlights how these groups use online platforms to disguise their activities, presenting themselves as community service organisations while engaging in covert paramilitary activities.

The rise of militia groups like AP3 poses significant challenges for American democracy, including contributing to the Erosion of Trust in Institutions by spreading disinformation and promoting conspiracy theories as well as contributing to Domestic Terrorism. The Department of Homeland Security has identified domestic extremism as one of the greatest threats to U.S. security. Groups like AP3 contribute to this threat through their rhetoric and actions.


The phenomenon of extremist militias is not unique to the U.S.; their influence can ripple across Western democracies in several ways:

  1. Export of Ideology: Similar militia movements have emerged in countries like Canada, Australia, and parts of Europe, inspired by American groups and ideologies.
  2. Digital Radicalisation: Social media platforms enable the global spread of extremist rhetoric, making it easier for these ideologies to cross borders.
  3. Security Risks: Western nations may see an increase in violent acts carried out by domestic extremists influenced by U.S.-based militias or their ideologies.

For Western governments, the rise of militias underscores the need for robust strategies to counter radicalisation, including addressing the root causes of discontent, enhancing digital regulation, and strengthening civic education.

Williams’ investigation into AP3 highlights a troubling trend in American society: the normalisation of extreme anti-government rhetoric and the erosion of democratic norms. For the United States and the West, addressing this challenge requires a multi-faceted approach, combining law enforcement, education, and community engagement to counter extremism and rebuild trust in democratic institutions.

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