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Filippo Noseda in Tax Notes International on conflict over Public Registers and Automatic Exchange of Information

Posted on 31 August 2022

Filippo Noseda, Partner in Private Tax and Wealth Structuring team, has written for Tax Notes International discussing some critical opinions issued by EU data protection authorities on the compatibility of EU public registers of beneficial ownership, with fundamental rights to privacy and data protection.

"There is no doubt that the fight against tax evasion and money laundering is in the public interest. However, at least as a matter of EU law, any solution needs to be proportionate and respect the right to privacy and data protection of compliant citizens. – writes Filippo.

Read the full article here: “EU Documents Reveal Conflict Over Public Registers and Automatic Exchange of Information,” Tax Notes International, August 1, 2022, cover and pp. 561 - 565.

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