UK businesses, and in particular start-up companies, face a variety of security-related threats. In some cases, these threats have the potential not just to cause financial or reputational damage to the business concerned, but also to threaten the UK's national security. In order to protect UK assets and infrastructure from national security threats, the National Security and Investment Act 2021 (NSI Act) was brought into force on 4 January 2022. It is important that businesses both understand their obligations under the NSI Act regime, especially when seeking new investors, and take appropriate steps to guard against threats they face generally in their day-to-day operations.
News National Security and Investment Act: first statutory review concludes the mandatory regime is achieving its objectives but room for some improvement The Government has published its first statutory review of the National Security and Investment Act's mandatory notification requirements.
News New Foreign Influence Registration Scheme aims to strengthen national security by shining a light on covert foreign influence in the UK Last year's National Security Act 2023 introduced the UK's Foreign Influence Registration Scheme. While the scheme was introduced but not implemented under the previous Government, the current Government still intends to bring in FIRS as a priority, with the aim of further strengthening national security.
News Overhauling the National Security and Investment Act regime: new and updated guidance aims to increase clarity and reduce burden for businesses In line with the commitments made in the outcome of the National Security and Investment Act Call for Evidence published in April, the Cabinet Office has this week published both an updated "Section 3 Statement", which sets out how the Government expects to exercise its call-in power, and various updates to the Government's Market Guidance notes on the regime.
News Government confirms overhaul of National Security and Investment Act regime for businesses amid evolving security threats The Government has published the outcome of its call for evidence on the National Security and Investment Act 2021.
News National Security and Investment Act – Government's second annual report responds to calls for greater clarity and transparency The Cabinet Office has published the National Security and Investment Act 2021: Annual Report 2023. This is the first annual report to cover a full year of the National Security and Investment Act regime, and it offers some useful insights on navigating the Act's notification process.
News National Security and Investment Act regime: second edition of market guidance notes aims to increase transparency and predictability In July last year the Government published the first edition of its market guidance notes on the National Security and Investment Act, as part of its commitment to offer practical support to businesses navigating the regime.
News National Security and Investment Act – new market guidance will help navigate the regime as the first final order is published The National Security and Investment Act 2021 came into force fully on 4 January this year. The first annual report on the operation of the Act was published in June, and more recently in July the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) published a set of market guidance notes, based on an analysis of notifications received under the Act and feedback from stakeholders.
News The National Security and Investment Act: protecting UK assets and infrastructure UK businesses, and in particular start-up companies, face a variety of security-related threats. In some cases, these threats have the potential not just to cause financial or reputational damage to the business concerned, but also to threaten the UK's national security.