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International law firms in Singapore: Tahirah Ara for International Financial Law Review

Posted on 5 July 2023

Tahirah Ara, Managing Partner of Mishcon Singapore and Head of Asia, has been featured in an article by International Financial law Review on why international law firms are increasingly expanding into Singapore.

Drawing on her experience working across Asia, Tahirah spoke about the ambitions for Mishcon Singapore and the association with Karas So LLP in Hong Kong “The ambition is for the firm to be a market leader in private wealth, and that’s agnostic for Asia rather than Singapore versus Hong Kong.”

“We also don’t want to duplicate specialty areas so we refer work between both offices.”

She also commented on the challenge of finding new talent as more international firms open Singapore offices: “We want talent who knows the market and is based in the region as opposed to from overseas.”

Read in full (subscription required).

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