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Navigating exam season in UHNW families: Antonia Felix and Rebecca Lachno for Tatler

Posted on 27 March 2024

There’s nothing quite like the looming dread of exam season to whip up a hotbed of stress for children.

Partner Antonia Felix and Managing Associate Rebecca Lachno have been featured in Tatler, commenting on the specific parenting battles for UHNW families, where parents may be setting their sights on children taking over businesses in the future and have high hopes for their children.

Antonia commented: "Exam season can really highlight differences in aspirations and parenting styles for separated parents and the high stress stakes can lead to conflict."

Rebecca commented: "By involving a third party who is independent it can ensure both parents feel part of their child's education but also that they understand what is required for their child to feel less stressed about their exams and the preparation."

Read the full article here.

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