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New EASI telephone number for key information documents

Posted on 24 July 2024

The telephone number for the recruitment industry regulator, the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate (EASI), changed to 020 4566 5333 on 24 June 2024. Key information documents must be updated with this number.

Regulation 13A of the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003 (the Conduct Regulations) came into force on 6 April 2020. This Regulation requires recruitment services companies to issue a key information document to each candidate seeking a temporary assignment who, if placed, will be engaged via the recruitment services company. A key information document must be issued before the recruitment services company and the candidate agree the terms under which the candidate will be engaged to work on an assignment. Immediately below the title "Key Information Document", the document must include a statement which, amongst other things:

  • informs the candidate that they may contact the EASI if they are concerned about any breach by the recruitment services company of its obligations under the Employment Agencies Act 1973 or the Conduct Regulations; and
  • provides the EASI's contact details.

Any recruitment services company which has not yet updated the EASI's telephone number on its key information documents should do so.

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