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New TLA guidance launched to address emerging legal issues with Blockchain and associated technologies

Posted on 11 January 2022

The second edition of the Tech London Advocates (TLA) Blockchain: Legal and Regulatory Guidance has been published this morning.

The new guidance, compiled by Anne Rose and members of the TLA Blockchain Legal & Regulatory Working Group, provides lawyers and practitioners advising on Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLT) with an understanding of evolving commercial and technological issues in this area, and how they impact wider areas of litigation and the law.  

Over the last 18 months, DLT-related matters, such as the proliferation of NFTs and stablecoins, have captured significant public attention and led to an array of legal and regulatory questions. Building on the first edition published in 2020, the Guidance provides an invaluable source of information for practitioners to navigate and advise on how developing technologies are changing the law. 

Co-Lead of Mishcon de Reya's Blockchain Group and Founder of the TLA Blockchain Legal & Regulatory Working Group, Anne Rose, said the updated Guidance was a vital step in providing clarity around the legal implications when using Blockchain and similar technologies. 

Anne said: “We've made significant updates to the original edition, focusing on both recent and imminent developments, such as the launch of central bank digital currencies and the now mainstream use of cryptoassets and smart legal contracts - so we can continue to work together in unlocking the benefits of these technologies.” 

Further highlighting the crucial timing of the Guidance updates, the Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Vos, Chancellor of the High Court said: “Major developments are imminent. They will mean that every lawyer will require familiarity with the blockchain, smart legal contracts and cryptoassets. This Guidance will put lawyers in a far better position to understand how these technologies are being deployed.” 

The Guidance is available here and accessible on the Law Society's website

Anne will host a panel discussion at 11am today with distinguished experts, including Sir Geoffrey Vos and I. Stephanie Boyce, on key elements of the updated guidance. If you would like to attend, please register here.  

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