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Our new scholarship and student placements with Queen Mary University of London

Posted on15 November 2021

Mishcon de Reya is expanding its partnership with Queen Mary University of London's School of Law with the establishment of 'The Mishcon de Reya LLM Scholarship’ at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies.

Over the next four years, we have pledged a total donation of £100,000 to sponsor places on the International Asset Tracing and Recovery course, which is being offered in conjunction with Mishcon de Reya and Blackstone Chambers.

We are excited by the chance to expand our partnership with Queen Mary, building on a long-standing relationship and our joint access to justice initiatives, including the Black Justice Project, Pink Law and SPITE.

Mishcon de Reya is also offering student placements as part of Queen Mary’s innovative undergraduate Law in Practice degree programme. Students undertaking a four-year degree have the chance to study for two years and undertake their third year as a paid internship, before a final year of study.

This is a significant step in delivering on our Impact commitments to create opportunity and increase access to law.

Read more from Queen Mary's School of Law.

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