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Pro Bono Week: spotlight on support for refugees

Posted on 10 November 2022

The rise in pro bono efforts to support refugees, particularly those displaced by humanitarian crises in Afghanistan and Ukraine, has been featured in Law.com.

Mishcon de Reya is mentioned in the article for the firm's collaborative efforts to assistance members of the Afghan judiciary and their families to seek safety in the UK.

Commenting on the firm's pro bono immigration work, Partner Hannah Barnett said: "Given the extraordinary geopolitical events over the last two years, there have been growing numbers of people in dire need of immigration assistance.

In light of both diminishing legal aid and the complex and compelling circumstances these people face, pro bono support becomes even more critical.

We are proud to be part of such important cross-sector efforts."

Read the full article here and learn more about Mishcon de Reya's pro bono work here.

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