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Editor's note

Posted on 9 November 2023

Sally Britton - Mishcon de Reya

Welcome to the winter edition of Brand Matters.

With the rapid speed at which Artificial Intelligence is evolving, this edition includes important developments regarding AI, including the UK's Competition and Markets Authority ('CMA') initial report in September 2023 examining AI Foundation Models and their potential effect on competition in the UK and worldwide.

We have developed a range of bespoke resources relating to Generative AI and the implications on IP, including a Case & Policy Tracker and Generative AI and IP handbook, included in this latest edition. These can be found on our AI resource centre, accessed here.

We are also delighted to be hosting the next in our series of events relating to Generative AI, on Thursday 16 November where we will be holding a panel discussion on Generative AI & IP: Securing protection and navigating the risks. Registration and event details can be found here.

Finally, some additional highlights include a review of key considerations employers might wish to consider to help bolster brand loyalty within an organisation.

Thank you to all the contributors of this edition. I hope you enjoy reading it.


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