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The Purpose Hub - Quarterly Update

Issue 1: February 2022

The Purpose Hub - Quarterly Update

Editor's note

Alex Green, Associate, Corporate

Welcome to the inaugural quart

Read the full note

Green climate change

Asset managers and the FCA's new rules on climate-related disclosures

Following its June 2021 consultation, and in line with the UK Government's Green Finance Strategy, the FCA has published a Policy Statement setting out new rules requiring FCA-authorised asset managers (among others) to disclose how they take climate-related risks and opportunities into account in managing investments.


Everyone's Invited: #MeToo for Gen Z

Earlier this year, a website called Everyone's Invited gained national attention when it started posting anonymous testimonies of sexual violence in schools. Within days, some of the country's most prestigious institutions had stories of sexual harassment between students covered in the newspapers, groups of students wrote open letters to Head Teachers and several schools instigated independent reviews into their own safeguarding practices. What does the Everyone's Invited campaign tell us about changing attitudes to sexual harassment, the reporting of complaints and the use of media (and social media) campaigns to raise attention?


Hammock Financial Services Ltd – Spotlight Piece

We had the pleasure of speaking to Manoj Varsani (CEO) and Marco Ferrari (COO), co-founders of Hammock Financial Services Ltd, a property finance start-up that works with landlords to provide bespoke banking, bookkeeping and property tax statement software.

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