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Supreme Court ruling on R (on behalf of Miller) v The Prime Minister

Supreme Court ruling on R (on behalf of Miller) v The Prime Minister

Posted on24 September 2019

On Tuesday 24 September the Supreme Court handed down its decision in R (on behalf of Miller) v The Prime Minister. In the historic ruling, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that Boris Johnson's decision to prorogue Parliament was unlawful.  

James Libson, Executive Partner, who represented Gina Miller in this case said:

“We are glad that the Court recognised the threat to the rule of law caused by a prorogation based on misleading advice given to the Queen.

"This second success for our client Gina Miller in the Supreme Court is a testament to her resolve to take whatever steps are required to ensure executive overreach does not become a feature of our democracy.  

"This case shows that our courts can be relied on to hold the executive to account when necessary and is evidence of the robustness of our system of separations of powers.”

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Supreme Court transcript
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