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The perils of 'highly sexualised' advertising

Posted on 31 October 2019

Associate in the Commercial team Anne Rose commented in Drapers on the recent ASA bans on Boohoo and Missguided ads for being "highly sexualised" and "not socially responsible". Commenting on whether or not we will see these types of ban increase, Anne said;

"I think that we shall see a trend towards more complaints to the ASA that particular adverts are socially irresponsible and overly sexualised in relation to both men and women, especially when the target audiences could include young people.

“Culture is changing. The wider question is whether advertising should reflect culture or lead it. If its role is to reflect culture, we’ll see harmful stereotypes stop being effective in advertising as they become unacceptable in the wider culture. If its role is to lead culture, then the ASA is saying that these stereotypes are harmful now even, and is betting that it’s ahead of the cultural game on that.”

To read the full article click here

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