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David Rainford - Mishcon de Reya

David Rainford

Senior Counsel

Personal Profile

David is a Senior Counsel in the Innovation department. He advises clients on the acquisition, commercialisation, and enforcement of intellectual property rights in the life sciences, software, and general commercial sectors.

David's has a particular interest in acting for clients working in the fields of cell therapies, synthetic biology, and free and open source software.

Key Experience

  • Complex transactions for life sciences clients relating to platform technologies and therapeutics: patent and know how licences, research collaboration agreements, sponsored research agreements, consortium agreements, clinical trials agreements, revenue sharing agreements.
  • Routine transactions relating to the day-to-day operations of life sciences businesses: confidentiality agreements, materials transfer agreements, consultancy agreements, software licences, equipment hire agreements, standard terms and conditions of purchase and sale.
  • Complex transactions relating to software for clients in diverse industries including telecoms, AI, life sciences, and quantum computing: software licence agreements, software development agreements, software support and maintenance agreements, value added reseller agreements.
  • Advising in relation to free and open source software ("FOSS"): due diligence exercises relating to FOSS components used by target businesses, risk profiling FOSS licences, advising on dual licensing models, drafting FOSS policies.

Career History

Senior Counsel, Mishcon de Reya LLP
Senior Counsel, Taylor Vinters LLP
City University, Law conversion
Imperial College, PhD Organic Chemistry

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