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Emma Armitage

Emma Armitage


Personal Profile

Emma is an Associate in the Private Commercial Litigation team in Mishcon Private.

Emma acts for a diverse range of clients, including high profile and high net worth individuals, companies, charities and family businesses. She has experience advising on a wide variety of complex disputes, including civil fraud, injunctive relief, breach of contract, debt claims and shareholder disputes.

Emma is also a member of the Politics and Law team, with experience advising politicians and high-profile individuals on contentious matters of administrative and public law and assisting with responses to government consultations.

Emma is member of the Mishcon de Reya Women in Wealth network, an initiative supporting female holders of private wealth and their advisers. Emma is also a partner of the WealthiHer network, a network of inspirational women dedicated to driving the economic advancement of women.

Emma is involved in a number of pro bono initiatives, including the Black Justice Project, a legal advice clinic in partnership with Queen Mary University of London Advice Centre providing free legal advice to the Black community on actions against the police, and the RCJ Advice Bureau, London's largest Citizen's Advice Bureau operating out of the Royal Courts of Justice.

Emma trained at the Firm and also has experience in family matters and finance and banking. She is a member of the London Solicitor Litigation Association.

Key Experience

  • Acting for the Administrators of London Capital & Finance PLC (assisting the Administrators investigate the collapse of LCF in circumstances where it owes creditors in excess of £230million)
  • Advising clients on the courses of action available to them in their capacity as directors and/or shareholders of a business to remove a fellow director and/or shareholder, including advising on unfair prejudice proceedings and proceedings for breach of director duties
  • Successfully negotiating a settlement for a high net worth individual client following a complex multiparty debt, unjust enrichment and restitution claim brought against the client's family and family businesses
  • Advising a charity in relation to an investigation by the Charity Commission into charity practices concerning external communications by the charity and its trustees
  • Acting for clients in defending a claim brought against them by a former business partner for breach of a joint venture agreement
  • Acting for a respondent client in successfully defending a pre-action disclosure application brought against it and obtaining a generous costs award
  • Advising a client providing accommodation to individuals in defending potential false imprisonment claims
  • Advising a client on settlement following the termination of a contract, preserving the parties' continuing business relationship
  • Advising a client in relation to an ongoing investigation into allegations against them by a political party, successfully resulting in the ongoing investigation being discontinued
  • Advising a client on lifting a 100-year embargo on documents and issuing potential judicial review proceedings
  • Advising a client on appealing A-level grades following the cancellation of exams during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Advising an individual client in bringing a Part 8 claim under ss1, 3 and 4 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997

Career History

Associate, Mishcon de Reya LLP
Trainee Solicitor, Mishcon de Reya LLP
University of Law, LPC
University of Surrey, Media (BA)

Articles and Publications

The rise of APP fraud - March 2023


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