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Pedro Martins

Pedro Martins


Personal Profile

Pedro is a Partner within the Dispute Resolution department, specialising in group actions and cross-border litigation. With a focus on environmental, human rights, consumer, and competition matters, Pedro has successfully represented hundreds of thousands of individuals, businesses, and public entities in international group claims. His extensive experience encompasses the comprehensive management of international group actions, overseeing both the legal aspects and operational facets, including mass client aggregation and the procurement of third-party litigation funding.

In addition to his role in dispute resolution, Pedro serves as a Partner and Board Member at SOMOS, a claim’s management company in the Mishcon Group which provides law firms with technology, marketing, legal support, and customer care services in relations to mass torts and class actions.

Beyond his professional roles, Pedro is the co-founder and President of the Latin American Institute for Collective Justice (ILAJUC). ILAJUC is an NGO dedicated to the examination of how collective legal frameworks contribute to the enhancement of democracy, socioeconomic development, social solidarity, and broader access to justice within Latin America.

Key Experience

  • Issued a claim and secured jurisdiction in the UK on behalf of c. 300,000 Brazilian individuals including the Krenak indigenous community, 25 Municipalities, 800 businesses, and other claimants against BHP Ltd. and BHP Plc in England, in respect of the damage caused by the collapse of the Fundao Dam in Brazil
  • Issued a claim and secured jurisdiction in the UK on behalf of c. 1,500 orange producers against Sucocítrico Cutrale Ltda. and others in England, in respect of damage caused by an orange juice cartel in Brazil
  • Issued a claim on behalf of 200 families of deceased people and the Municipality of Brumadinho against TÜV SUD in Germany, in respect of the collapse of the Córrego do Feijão Dam in Brazil
  • Issued a claim on behalf of c. 10,000 Brazilian individuals against Braskem Netherlands B.V. in the Netherlands in respect of the damage caused by a land slide in Alagoas, Brazil
  • Issued a claim and secured jurisdiction on behalf of c. 12,000 individuals of traditional communities against Dutch based Defendants in respect of water contamination caused by mining activities in the North of Brazil

Career History

Partner, Mishcon de Reya LLP
Founding Partner, Pogust Goodhead
Founding Partner, Somos
Associate, Demarest Advogados
King’s College London, Masters of Laws – International Dispute Resolution
Insper, LL.C. in Corporate Law
FGV, Bachelor of Laws

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