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Robert Hartley, Partner, Dispute Resolution

Robert Hartley


Personal Profile

Robert is a Partner in the Dispute Resolution department and specialises in the resolution of tax disputes. He has been a practising tax lawyer since 1999.

Robert's practice is split between direct and indirect tax disputes relating to both corporate and individual clients. Many of the cases that he works on are resolved without the need for a formal hearing, with successfully resolved cases ranging from personal taxation matters to the largest of transfer pricing enquiries.

Robert advises clients across a number of sectors and, in particular, those in real estate, financial services, retail and leisure.

Key Experience

  • Sema Group Pension Scheme v Inland Revenue [2002]
  • Kingfisher  Plc v Customs and Excise [2004]
  • Loyalty Management  UK Ltd v Customs and Excise [2005]
  • Weight Watchers  (UK) Ltd v Revenue & Customs [2007]
  • Barclays Bank Plc v HMRC [2008]
  • Accenture Services Ltd v HM Revenue and Customs & Ors [2009]
  • Weight Watchers  (UK) Ltd & Ors v Revenue & Customs [2010]
  • Brunel  Motor Company Ltd (in administrative receivership) v Revenue & Customs [2011]
  • Revenue And Customs v McLaren Racing Ltd [2014]
  • Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. v Revenue & Customs [2015]
  • Stagecoach Group plc & Stagecoach Holdings Limited v Revenue & Customs [2015]
  • Farnborough Airport Properties Company v Revenue Customs [2016]  

Career History

Partner, Mishcon de Reya LLP
Director, KPMG
Legal Director, DLA Piper
Cambridge (Magdalene College), BA, MA, LLM

Articles and Publications

Robert was a visiting academic for over five years at King's College London, where he taught VAT. He also speaks regularly at external Informa events such as the 2015 Summer Tax School (hosted by Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge) and the recent 2016 Permanent Establishment Mastercourse.

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