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Discuss your e-commerce plans with a free legal pop-up


E-commerce is rich with possibilities and rife with regulations. To help you maximise its potential and avoid the pitfalls, we’re offering a free 30 minute legal session.

You can use your session to discuss any e-commerce concepts or concerns, perhaps:

  • collecting payments
  • creating terms and a privacy policy
  • ensuring cybersecurity
  • online advertising

One of our specialist e-commerce team will share their knowledge and experience to give you a practical overview. Then should you wish to take this further, we can arrange a formal meeting to give you more detailed advice and support.

Book Now

How it works

To help you make the most of the session, we like to ask a few questions to get to know more about you and your business, which is all captured in the form below. After submitting your virtual pop up request, we will be in touch to confirm the timeslot for your call.

Book now

Key Contacts

Andrew Wolfin


Chris Keen



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