Gain essential, informative details about any brand, business or bad actor you’re interested in, worldwide. The threat of IP infringement, the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, and the reliability of your suppliers all have a critical impact on your success. Accurate, timely, information is your ally – enabling you to protect your business, brand and IP, and take effective enforcement action if necessary. Our IP Investigative Reports provide this invaluable knowledge, in depth, and at speed. Drilling down for information can be time-consuming, especially if you’re not sure where to search or what to search for. Our IP investigative reports provide comprehensive and meticulously researched details, with a swift response. Detailed and diligent investigations An IP Investigative Report can provide the insights to help you decide on the most appropriate action, whether that’s negotiation, litigation, establishing a partnership or more. Building the report you want can include: Investigating potential IP infringement Investigating trade mark use by you or a third party, and their reputation Background investigations into companies, corporate entities and individuals Domain name registrations/uses Evidential purchases Investigating a company’s or individual’s assets and locations Gathering intelligence in relevant sectors and markets How does it work? You can commission a single report or multiple reports from our Cyber team, which are particularly useful when you want to assess comparative strengths, weaknesses or threats. 1. Briefing We discuss the important issues with you to capture your requirements. 2. Action We gather all the data needed and compile your report. 3. Deliver We deliver the report to you and discuss the key points raised. Why us? You can be confident your IP Investigative Report will provide: Convenience Providing the answers you want in a report tailored specifically to your needs and developed in collaboration with you and your business. Clarity Information is clearly and logically presented, helping you reach enforcement and strategic decisions more quickly and easily. Accuracy All information is verified and from official, dependable sources. Choice Your IP Investigative Report will provide the breadth and depth of detail you require, whether that’s purely business activities, use by a third party of a trade mark or sign, or the impact of news and social media on your brand reputation. Consistency Each report is consistent, making it easy to compare information. Speed When a situation arises suddenly, our quick turnaround will help you take action, fast.