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Is your business in
the right shape?

Seeking investment or funding

Are parts of your business more investable or scaleable than others?

Could new investment require you to give up equity and will your investors be interested in tax breaks?

Are you raising money, but wanting to offer security over only part of your business or assets?

Exiting your business or assets or needing to extract cash

Are you: considering selling or transferring only part of the underlying business or investment; or wanting an exit but finding a buyer only wants part?

Could parts of the business at different stages of development prevent funds being distributed to shareholders (i.e. dividend blocks) or do covenants prevent distribution of mixed early stage (loss making) and late stage (cash generative) businesses?

Would parts of your business be more saleable if spun into a separate entity or structure?

Reassessing relationships, legacy and social impact

Do you own assets jointly with someone else, but want to divide them and move forward independently?

Do you want to divide assets amongst your children and/or benefit others (employees, a charity etc.)?

Does a divorce settlement or the outcome of litigation require you to split up assets?

Are you - or should you be - planning for your retirement: by a phased exit or by handing over the reins but continuing to hold an economic interest and receive value?

a long shot of a building

Looking at the shape of your organisation

Are you wanting to keep some assets but get rid of others – maybe to realise longer term assets in which you have invested excess or spare cash?

Have you accumulated a "mixed bag" of investments and a trade(s) under one roof?

Do you want to sub-divide an existing business into separate divisions and business units?

Do you have assets that you now want to use to expand overseas or has your revenue base now grown such that most of your earnings come from abroad?

Do you need to seal-off the risky from the less risky parts of the business or assets because of risk profile changes?

Forging new alliances

Do you want to contribute some but not all of your assets to a joint venture or new strategic alliance?

Are you considering a merger of part whilst retaining control and independence for the remaining part of your business?

Whatever the reason, now is the time to compare your existing structure to what structure would best serve you and your business.

If any of the above situations apply to you, we would be happy to offer you an initial consultation, at no cost, to discuss your position and any next steps, so please get in touch.

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