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Digital Risk Monitoring

Digital risks come in many forms – web domains posing as your company, online data leaks of employee credentials, social media accounts impersonating your board members and the malicious targeting of your business internet infrastructure.

Continuous monitoring of online channels, the deep and dark web and other websites means that we can alert your business to the early signs of an issue, allowing for mitigation measures to be taken.

This can include takedown requests or launching legal proceedings, before problems have proliferated beyond control.

Our digital risk monitoring service scans for malicious mentions of brands, product names, internet infrastructure, emails, passwords, code snippets and VIP names. These are surfaced to our analyst team, assessed for severity of risk and quickly raised to our customers with recommendations for further action.

If needed, we will issue takedown requests to platforms or provide you with access to our legal experts to advise on potential next steps to force the removal of data, or take civil or criminal legal action against the publishers.


We regularly share our threat intelligence, cyber security research and our views on developments in the sector. If you'd like to receive these from time to time then please provide your information here.


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