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In situations where clients present a strong human rights based claim to stay in the UK, there are different avenues to explore. Our team of human rights lawyers work with clients to understand their circumstances and to provide ongoing strategy.

Most commonly, we see applications which engage a client's rights under Article 3 (prohibition on inhuman and degrading treatment, punishment or torture) and/or Article 8 (Right to private and family life). These cases may involve individuals with significant medical requirements which would not be provided in their home country, individuals with extensive family commitments in the UK, and those with a well-established life in the UK.

We recognise that preparing these applications can be stressful and worrying and support clients through every step of their journey to prepare detailed and robust applications. We work closely with our clients to advise upon and gather the necessary supporting evidence, witness statements and expert reports in order to submit highly compelling applications to remain in the UK.

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