Ideas have value. Be it inventions, creative works or simply confidential data built up with significant investment, businesses have digitised and so have those who seek to misuse intellectual property.
Counterfeits are now widely sold online and the evidence of grey market importation is often digital. As demand increases for branded goods, so do those who seek to take advantage of a brands name and reputation.
Our team combines cyber intelligence skills with traditional investigative techniques to tackle these issues. We have experience of tracking down infringers and supporting a wide range of litigation against those who misuse intellectual property.
Our team also has a focus on illegal streaming and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) systems. We are able to use the same techniques used to track the infrastructure used by cyber attackers including domain names, servers and e-mail accounts and to have them shutdown quickly.
We work closely with our legal colleagues in our Intellectual Property team to bring Private Prosecutions.
For support with a Cyber Incident, please call our
24/7 incident line on
+44 20 3321 7705