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Post-Incident Review

Once an incident is over, it is common to want to forget what have happened and get back to business as usual, but we believe that you should never let a crisis go to waste. The lessons and improvements from an incident are the most valuable input to your cyber security and counter fraud programmes.

Post-incident reviews offer an opportunity for self-reflection about both the event that happened and the way the response was managed. We act as an independent and neutral third party which avoids the process devolving into blame and finger pointing, highlighting what worked well and where challenges may remain.

Our team has experience of conducting post-incident reviews as a standalone exercise and as part of an overall incident management approach. We are called upon by clients to provide and underwrite the response and by senior management to demonstrate the validity of a response to regulators and external stakeholders.

We conduct post-incident reviews of every incident we manage, and always look to learn from the experience. The benefit of our learning is captured in playbooks, updated processes and cyber threat intelligence that we share with our clients.


We regularly share our threat intelligence, cyber security research and our views on developments in the sector. If you'd like to receive these from time to time then please provide your information here.


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