The films have been produced in response to concern among young children about their parents sharing photos on social media. Among primary school-age pupils, 60% said if they were parents, they would not share images of their own children, according to a new survey of over 7,300 pupils by VotesforSchools.
The ‘sharenting’ films feature eight children age 9 to11 years who attend schools where Place2Be provides mental health support for pupils, families and staff. Together with three Mishcon de Reya experts, the children offer opinion and advice to parents on how best to protect their children when sharing content online.
Mishcon de Reya and Place2Be have a long standing relationship, with the shared aim of promoting children's voices and views on key issues. In 2016, they collaborated to produce 'Splitting Up: A Child's Guide to a Grown Up Problem' – a book written for adults by children on the topic of parental separation.
In November 2017, Mishcon de Reya hosted an event for around 80 children aged 8-16 with Place2Be to provide an opportunity for children from a variety of backgrounds to share what really matters to them - what they think, what they worry and care about most and what influences and shapes their lives. Social media was identified as a key issue – find out more in our write up: Children's Mental Health Week: children share their thoughts on social media.