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Metalwork on doors


We are in the business of providing our clients with the best possible legal advice. With this in mind we focus on seven core areas: Corporate, Dispute Resolution, Employment, ImpactInnovation, Private and Real Estate. We believe that concentrating on these areas is the best way to help our clients navigate a commercial landscape of unprecedented complexity, anticipate and grasp new, transformative opportunities and build mutually rewarding, long-term relationships.

However it is also true that boundaries in today’s world are becoming less and less clear-cut and our clients require more from us. So, while we continue to invest in our legal practices, we offer services in complementary non-legal areas across the MDR Group: MDR Mayfair, MDRx, MDR ONE and MDR Discover.

Above all, we understand that more and more of our clients live in a space where commercial interests meet private ones. We know that “It’s business. But it’s personal”.

Our services

See a comprehensive list of the services we provide both internationally and in the UK.

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