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Azeem Rafiq succeeds in application for public hearing of racial discrimination charges

Posted on4 November 2022

We are delighted that our client Azeem Rafiq has succeeded in his application for the hearing of the racial discrimination charges against Yorkshire County Cricket Club and seven individuals to be held in public.

Azeem Rafiq commented: "My position has always been that the hearing should be in public, so that all parties involved can be held properly accountable. Racism in cricket should never again be brushed under the carpet."

The decision by the Cricket Discipline Commission, which upholds the constitutional principle of open justice and acknowledges the significant public interest in this case, will allow justice to be done and to be seen to be done.

Azeem is represented by Nick De Marco KC from Blackstone Chambers, and Sonia Campbell and Harry Eccles-Williams from Mishcon de Reya. His communications advisors are Mark Leftly and Linda Gu at Powerscourt.

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