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COVID-19: Cyber Security Update

Posted on 19 March 2020

The COVID-19 global pandemic has changed business operations in a short space of time. Many businesses have been turned 'inside out', with more staff working outside the organisation than in it.

Our threat intelligence and investigations team have been monitoring the implications of these changes and the pandemic for organisations' cyber security.

COVID-19 does not recognise any boundaries. The use of this crisis by cyber criminals and others affects everyone and we will continue to release any information we have to help organisations and individuals protect themselves at this time.

In summary, we have seen an increase in malicious emails related to COVID-19, as well as domain names and other infrastructure. We predict this trend will continue and will develop to target public health authorities. Alongside this, we are beginning to see the first risk issues from mass home working.

We have set out some key points that will impact cyber security teams such as a reduction in security monitoring requiring upfront contingency planning to respond to incidents, and an increase in acceptable use policy violations.

To read our full report click here.

Practical guidance for COVID-19
Read the latest COVID-19 related updates on our hub.

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