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Government support and grants for businesses affected by COVID-19 – our consolidated checklist updated

Posted on 14 February 2022

This page was last updated on 14 February 2022

We have updated our consolidated checklist of the key Government COVID-19 support schemes for businesses to include schemes introduced and extended for the Omicron variant and now that a number of schemes have closed. The checklist includes a brief description, eligibility criteria, availability date and application information in relation to the relevant scheme or grant. You may also find it handy to refer to our COVID-19: Government Support for Business Timeline, which – as well as grants and loans - also covers some of the insolvency related protections and shows when they ended or will end.

Since Boris Johnson officially announced the first lockdown measures in the UK on 23 March 2020, the Government's measures to support businesses financially have come in a series of different announcements spread across multiple Government websites. These have been subject to a number of changes and further updates. Although the majority of schemes are now closed, the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme has been renewed, the Recovery Loan Scheme has been extended (with modification) until 30 June 2022 for small and medium-sized businesses and there are a number of Omicron and other grants available via local authorities. A reduced VAT rate of 12.5% also remains in place until 31 March 2022 for supplies by hospitality, holiday accommodation and attraction businesses.

So that you can easily see the current schemes while not losing track of schemes that are now closed, we have set out current and closed schemes in separate parts of the table.

While our checklist summarises the Government's support for businesses, there are other ways of managing the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your business. If you would like to chat through your circumstances and the potential solutions available please let us know.

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