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Data Science Team co-authors paper on applying machine learning to UK case law judgments

Posted on 9 November 2022

The Mishcon de Reya Data Science team recently co-authored a paper recently published in the AI4Legal Workshop Proceedings as part of the International Semantic Web Conference

The paper, written by Amy Conroy, Editha Nemsic, Daniel Hoadley and Imane Hafnaoui, discusses the research undertaken in the UK around applying machine learning to UK case law judgments, and how this research could be leveraged to increase accessibility and a broader understanding of judicial decision beyond the legal profession. The paper provides a comprehensive study of how cutting-edge natural language processing techniques can improve the intelligibility of English common law to lay-readers, and builds on Mishcon de Reya’s unique work supporting The National Archives in developing Find Case Law. 

Commenting on the paper, Amy Conroy said: “This research links closely to the work the firm is doing on improving Access to Law. Having access to the Data Science and legal expertise at Mishcon de Reya means we are perfectly placed to begin this type of research around how we can improve the public’s understanding of case law.”  

To access the paper visit CEUR Workshop proceedings.  

Find out more about Find Case Law via their website

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