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Disputes Essentials: The midnight clause: strategies for drafting and enforcing effective jurisdiction clauses amidst growing geo-political challenges


Join us for our next Disputes Essentials breakfast seminar covering the latest updates and practical insights on essential disputes-related topics.

Jurisdiction clauses are often referred to as "midnight clauses", given their last-minute negotiation, but in today's challenging geo-political climate, the certainty provided by a well-drafted clause is more important than ever. With the potential increase in forum shopping, how can you ensure your disputes are resolved in a favourable forum?

In our upcoming "Disputes Essentials" session, our panel of legal experts will delve into the intricacies of jurisdiction clauses, offering practical strategies to enhance their effectiveness. We will explore:

  • The impact of geo-political challenges on forum selection and enforcement of jurisdiction clauses;
  • When to choose arbitration;
  • Key considerations for drafting robust jurisdiction clauses;
  • Recent case law developments and their implications; and
  • Practical steps to enforce jurisdiction clauses effectively.

Join us to fortify your contractual agreements and navigate the complexities of cross-border disputes with confidence.


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