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Leah Aplren-Waterman

Leah Alpren‑Waterman

Of Counsel, Knowledge Lawyer

Personal Profile

Leah Alpren-Waterman is Of Counsel, Knowledge Lawyer in the Dispute Resolution department, focussing on Commercial Litigation, Insurance and International Arbitration.

She is a contributor to the first and second editions of "Commercial Litigation", published by Sweet and Maxwell, as well as the second edition of "Advertising Law and Regulation", published by Bloomsbury Professional. She has also written for a range of legal publications including Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, Commercial Litigation Journal, Insurance Day and the IBA International Litigation Newsletter, and regularly delivers training, both internally and to clients.

Leah is also a CEDR accredited mediator.

Career History

Of Counsel, Knowledge Lawyer, Mishcon de Reya LLP
Managing Associate, Knowledge Lawyer, Mishcon de Reya LLP
Professional Support Lawyer, Watson Farley & Williams LLP 
Professional Support Lawyer, Clyde & Co LLP (and prior to the merger of the firms, Barlow, Lyde & Gilbert) 
Solicitor and Trainee Solicitor, Reynolds Porter Chamberlain 
University of Sussex, English and Media Studies (First Class)

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