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In-House Counsel Day 2023


Amidst continued economic uncertainty and financial constraints, businesses are looking for increasingly innovative ways to become more efficient. The theme for this year's event is 'Embracing innovation. Shaping a better future'.  We will be covering a variety of topics, including AI and technology and their application. Join us as we consider the potential opportunities and challenges we as businesses all face when embracing innovation.

The In-House Counsel Day will be running on two dates this year (Tuesday 3 October & Tuesday 17 October), so please make sure to select your preferred date when signing-up.


Laura Chandler, Partner, Corporate

8.30am-9.00am Registration and networking breakfast

9.00am-9.10am Welcome
Laura Chandler, Partner, Corporate

9.10am-9.30am What do you look like online? The hidden risks of an online presence
Joe Hancock, Head of MDR Cyber, Dispute Resolution

9.30am-9.50am The UK's approach to regulating AI, and opportunities for shaping policy
Katy Colton, Partner, Head of the Politics and Law Group

9.50am-10.10am The GC role in Corporate Governance
Kate Higgins, Partner, Head Knowledge Lawyer, Corporate

10.10am-10.30am Breaking down barriers to more inclusive incentives – benefits, challenges and tech enablement solutions
Liz Hunter, Partner, Employment

10.30am-10.50am National Security and Investment Act 2021: its impact on the tech sector and beyond
Saul Sender and Attilio Leccisotti, Partners, Corporate

10.50am-11.20am Break

11.20am-11.40am AI: The challenges of commercialisation
Ashley Williams, Partner, Innovation

11.40am-12.00pm ChatGPTease?
Nick West, Partner and Chief Strategy Officer

12.00pm-12.20pm AI and technology in the workplace: what employers need to know
Will Winch and Adam Turner, Partner, Employment

12.20pm-12.40pm AI Safety:  Trust = Transparency + Accountability
Ashley Winton, Partner, Innovation and Kizzy Augustin, Partner, Health & Safety

12.40pm-12.45pm Close and final questions
Laura Chandler, Partner

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