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Jennifer Millins in CM Murray podcast on addressing and eradicating harassment, discrimination and retaliation against Senior Executives

Posted on 16 June 2020. Source: CM Murray

The podcast includes key insights from the live panel session 'Addressing and Eradicating Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Against Senior Executives – What Role can Executives Play to Drive Change?' at CM Murray's International Conference on Risk, Reward and Reputation Management Issues for Senior Executives and Founders held on 4 February 2020.

Employment Partner Jennifer Millins joined leading experts from the US, Ireland and UK, to discuss the key legal and tactical issues for senior executives to consider when addressing workplace harassment and discrimination,  including the extent to which senior executives – particularly female executives – can or should use their seniority and status to create change for everyone in an organisation, by speaking up against unacceptable behaviours.

Please click here to listen to the podcast.

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