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Law Commission's surrogacy reform recommendations discussed with eprivateclient

Posted on 4 April 2023

Antonia Felix, Alice Mantle and George Irving recently spoke with eprivateclient about the Law Commission's recommendations for surrogacy law reform in England and Wales.

The long-awaited report and draft Surrogacy Bill were released in late March 2023 and are designed to introduce a new system to govern surrogacy, benefiting children, surrogates and intended parents.

The Law Commission's research and recommendations followed years of calls for reform, including an open public consultation in which the majority of respondents said that the current legislation was not fit for purpose.

Antonia, Alice and George, all members of Mishcon de Reya's modern families and surrogacy group, spoke about issues associated with the current legislation and the significance of proposed changes, such as a surrogacy register. Read more here and here (subscription required).

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