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Mishcon de Reya contributes to Legalink's CBD publication

Posted on2 March 2021

The legal landscape surrounding medical cannabis and cannabidiol (CBD) in the UK is complex, often contradictory and constantly evolving. There are also different regulatory regimes that apply to medical cannabis and CBD products that are marketed to consumers. Our Life Sciences team contributed to Legalink's recently published booklet on "Cannabis Regulation and Cannabis Derived Products" which provides practitioners with a comprehensive guide on cannabis related laws and regulations in various jurisdictions around the world. Our summary in the publication represents the cannabis and cannabis derived products regulatory framework in the UK as of 3rd July 2020.

This year is likely to be one of significant development for the UK's CBD industry, following the European Court of Justice's ruling in November 2020 that a particular form of CBD is not a narcotic and the upcoming deadline of 31 March 2021 for the CBD industry to submit a valid novel food authorisation with the UK's Food Standards Agency.

Please contact Martyn Hann if you require any further information or assistance with the sale of CBD products. To learn more please visit our Medical Cannabis and CBD services.

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